Saturday, March 24, 2007

Another 0.5kg down

Woohoo, it is starting to get exciting now!

I saw Bob Greene on Oprah the other day saying there are two rules to weight loss and they are:

1. What you consume must be less than what you expend

2. What you do to make the first rule work eg not get boring, easy to follow for life.

So on that note I have thought about what makes it easier to eat less and excercise more - for me it is remembering to eat early in the day, the protein banana/berry smoothie is easy to make and easy to drink and stops me obsessing about food all day. Followed by an apple and then for lunch a healthy protein and salad sandwich on multigrain bread. Afternoon tea is a yoghurt or an orange and dinner is usually some sort of meat and lots of vegies or salad.

I always drink 2litres or more of water every day (have to for kidney stones) and I take a berocca every day too.

To help me excercise more I just need to be doing more on the treadmill. I do 2 x 90 mins at karate each week and need to be on the treadmill 30mins four times a week. I usually do this while watching Biggest Loser.

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