Saturday, October 6, 2007


Feeling so much better, it is quite incredible. After only three days my blood sugars are so much more stable and I am regularly achieving the goals of:

1hr after eating: Under 8
2hr after eating: Under 6.5

However the fasting goal is a long way from where it should be and is currently hovering between 7.5 and 7.8. I am aiming for Under 6 which at this point feels really hard, but after getting better after meals readings, feeling a lot more energetic, finding the plan really easy (a lot easier than feeling so rotten and just lying on the couch) I am sure it will eventually happen. Plus my meds have been increased to 3 x 500 a day (Metformin). I am trying to incorporate foods that I love but find lower spike ways to have them eg yesterday I had a caramel decaf frappe at Gloria Jeans with the guilt free caramel syrup (worked like a charm). I also had a Subway wrap for lunch which was delicious and once again perfect sugars. Oh, and I have lost a kg.

In other news:

Grading for Blue belt at karate in three weeks and then Green belt blue tag four weeks after that woohoo

Starting weapons (like a broomstick lol) on Thursdays and I am really loving that, I especially love the karta.

Go Matt Corby on Idol - he is fabulous and I can't wait to see what they all sing this week.

Back to school Monday - I will miss the boys but it will be so good to get back into an ironing routine.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Great find re diabetes info and support

I have been doing some research online about diabetes and the dawn phenomenon and came across and lots of info about achieving a low spike diet and a 5% a1c.

My latest results are

hba1c: 6.7
fasting blood sugar: 8.8

so based on the theory that what we eat each day matters the next day blood sugar wise I am going to continue testing and increasing the testing to 1hr and 2hr tests after meals and see how the carbs I am eating are affecting the results.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007